Friday, January 4, 2008

Three Words and Thankfulness

I've just finished gobbling up Sara Holbrook's most recent blog postings and she has, as always, made me think. After reading Eat, Pray, Love (great book) Sara wondered what her three words would be; she chose Hope, Love, Create. I have to admit that in my Friday fuzzy brain haze I'm having trouble coming up with anything other than Sleep, Snore, ZZZ. Those aren't especially inspiring, though, and on Saturday morning they won't sound quite as good.

I know that Eat belongs. Strangely, the horizons that have opened up for me just because of my interest in food are pretty wide, and there's a lot more tied up with EAT than just survival of my physical body. It is related to Feed, and Enjoy, and Pay Attention. Eat now encompasses Cook, Grow, Till...and I think that last one may be one of my three. Till.

Tilling, turning, nurturing the soil that grows our food is as nourishing as the food itself. The chance to sink my hands (or shovel) in dirt and smell the rain, heat and Earth that goes into it is transforming. It doesn't just produce food, but also beauty; a full grown tomato plant heavy with the warm red globes glistening with their faint yellow pollen dust is one of the most breathtaking sights I've encountered. Likewise a blooming Oriental poppy, its safety-orange, crinkly petals slowly unfurling over its silvery-green, sturdy stem.

But tilling isn't just for the Earth, it's also for any new growth. We till and prepare ourselves for new knowledge and adventures and wonders all the time. Teaching is like tilling; cultivating the students' minds so they are ready for the seeds that will come, so they can get the extended metaphor.

So, Eat, Till, and I think I'll also stick with Love. When things are hard, I remember what I love--the above mentioned Sara, tomatoes, poppies, my husband, my friends, my frustrating but fabulous family...the list goes on--and the feeling swells inside until my skin tingles. It doesn't always keep me from wanting to scream and pull my hair out, but loving does often prevent the actions. Particularly pulling out my hair.

Eat, Till, Love, and be thankful. If I can hold onto these ideas through the year, it will be a good one.

1 comment:

Lee Ann Spillane said...

Love it! Have you seen the Y3W videos from iCaught TV and ABC news? I showed them to my kids and then they each created their own piece-- the compilation is posted on my blog somewhere. Though it's funny how your 3 words really would change depending on what week it was. : ) las