Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Out of the ashes...

Well, okay, maybe it's not that extreme.

After discovering yesterday that pressure canning was not in my future, I began looking for recipes for the overload of beets I had (prematurely) ordered from our CSA. I found a recipe for "Harvard Beets for the Freezer," and used 8 of the beets to make that today. The recipe was very easy and fit nicely in a 3 cup container, which I slid into the freezer. I have to say, though, that it took a lot of willpower not to eat them immediately. They were fabulous, even without the butter that is added when reheated. And that! (If you're interested, the website is ) I'm thinking that even if you don't like beets, you might like these!!

I also found the perfect stainless steel crockpot to use for a boiling water bath on my stovetop, so I'm still in business for high-acid canning. And, I got 20% off of the pot!!

I've also lost another pound! (I know, that doesn't sound like much unless you've been "plateaued" for awhile.)

LeeAnn, it was a pink stone day!


Lee Ann Spillane said...

Definitely pink stone! I'm sad that I'm so behind in my blog reading though... man the color on those beets is pure art and I love the contrast with the blue colander!! but do beets really taste good? Not a food in my normal repertoire I must say.

Kelli said...

Beets! :(
But I love everything else you make.